City / State PUNE, Maharashtra
Name of Customer – Applicant Mrs. Minu Raju Karati
Mr. Raju Bijoy Karati
Property Address All that piece and parcel of immovable property bearing
Flat no. 12, 02 nd Floor, Wing - C, PANDHARINATH COMPLEX bearing Grampanchayat Property no. 1205/11, Sr. no. 68, Hissa No.1, situated at Vill. Shivane, Tal. Haveli, Distt. Pune and within the limits of Shivane Gram Panchayat Pune, Sub Registrar ? Haveli, Pune and Bounded as under:
East: By Property of Shivram Vithoba Dangat
West: By NDA Road
South: By Property of Shri. Baban Vithu Dangat
North: By Vitbhatti of Shri. Ashok Somvanshi